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Not in any particular order. Last updated May 8, 2010.

Next big day: Birthday (May 23, 2010)

Most Wanted (sorta in order)

  1. Framed photos to put on walls
  2. Home decors
  3. Cooking lessons
  4. Gift cards
  5. Vacation to Vancouver Island, Okanagan, Central Canada, Maritimes, California, US East Coast, Hawaii, Europe, East Asia


  1. iPhone 3GS (not from work though) Go to website for more info.
  2. Electone Stagea Go to website for more info.
  3. Hybrid or fuel cell car
  4. Air purifier (small room)
  5. Nike + iPod sensor Go to website for more info.
  6. Toaster oven - stainless steel, small capacity (one shelf, two slices)

Sports & Fitness

  1. Bodybuilding supplements (e.g. whey protein, creatine, weight gainers, NOx, ZMA, multivitamins, etc.)
  2. Personal trainer
  3. Skin-fold calipers
  4. Nike+ shoes
  5. Hydration pack (for running)


  1. Tour of the Global BC news studios
  2. Kitchen utensils
  3. Home/interior design books and magazines
  4. Home/interior design consultation
  5. "The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding" ISBN: 0684857219 Go to website for more info.
  6. Fido/Rogers iPhone service plan, including caller ID and voice mail, text messaging
  7. Gift certificates/cards for anything except fast food restaurants
  8. Magazine subscriptions (fitness/fashion/education/tech)
  9. Inflatable mattress
  10. Colognes, hair care, face care products
  11. Microdermabrasion/Fraxel
  12. Orthodontic treatment
  13. Full-body massage/spa
  14. Manicure/pedicure
  15. Formal business attire
  16. Skinny ties
  17. Dress shirts (small; exact measurements unknown)
  18. Casual, but professional-looking slim/straight fit pants (28x30) and shoes
  19. A winning lottery ticket
  20. A real tan without the risk of getting skin cancer and without modifying my DNA
  21. Vacation to Vancouver Island, Okanagan, Central Canada, Maritimes, California, US East Coast, Hawaii, Europe, East Asia
  22. Extreme sports like whitewater rafting, parachuting, SCUBA diving, water skiing, etc. except cliff jumping, skydiving and bungee jumping
  23. A card
  24. A hug
  25. Surprises are always nice!

Please remember: It's not about the value, but it's the thought that counts!

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